Friday, November 23, 2012

Tie A Yellow Ribbon

Tie A Yellow Ribbon is now live on Smashwords. Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Kobo should be live soon.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black Friday Sale And A Book That Gives Back

From November 21st, which is today, until midnight PST on November 24th,  The Farm's Billionare Bundle, which contains all three sizzling stories with Gabriel Stanton and Claire Jacobs, is 25% off.

The updated price should now be in effect on Smashwords, Kobo, Amazon and Barnes and Noble!

Look for a new book this weekend:

In Tie A Yellow Ribbon; Lacey Thompson, dutiful, desperate wife and former Army sergeant, welcomes home her long-missing husband Blake from an overseas deployment with lace, silk and a steamy romp throughout the house.

25% of all proceeds from Tie A Yellow Ribbon sales will benefit Operation Homefront. This charity helps support US military families that are active duty, retired and reservists by assisting with groceries, hospital bills, transportation funds for both moves and emergencies, rent and mortgage needs and a variety of other ways to help make ends meet.

As always, my email is

Time to go write.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The First Post Is Always A Test Post, Isn't It?

So instead of writing "test, test" or something equally boring, I suppose I'll introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Alvery and I'm a writer.

When you introduce yourself like that in public, everyone's first question is "Oh! What do you write?!". In times long past, I'd have said that I write the occasional snippet for the local newspaper or web content for information sites. Today? I tell them I write porn.

This, of course, always elicits confusion. "But how can you write porn?" they ask. By the time I'm finished explaining about the romance and erotica genres, they're either delighted, blushing or a combination of both.

I also get asked why I do it, a lot. My answer is why not? I love to write it and the readers love to read it. Everyone's happy.

Speaking of readers, I want to take this bit of this first post to talk specifically to those that are already reading what I'm writing. Thank you. It may sound a little trite, but authors rarely get to speak directly to their readers because we're completely entranced writing the next 10,000 words of Who Fucked Sally? or because we're knee deep in edits, or a thousand other reasons.

Without our readers, we'd have nothing and the majority of us remember that. So thank you again.

Now, if you aren't already a reader (Yes this is the part where I shamelessly advertise)! I currently have 6 books out, as well as a bundled pack of 3 books for around 75% of the price each of the books costs alone ($6.99 versus $8.97). You can find me on Amazon, Smashwords, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Sony. If you have a favorite ebook site and I'm not already there, tell me about it! I'd love to know and I'll look into getting distributed over there, though I can't make any guarantees.

There's always more on the shelf or more in the works, so check back often. Blog readers will know about any sales before the prices finish updating, as well as sneak peeks into upcoming books.

As always, my email is

Time to go write.