Thursday, September 11, 2014

New! Today! Fresh! Sparkly! You want more Spots? You got her!

Out today! Spots 2: Lessons From A Master.

The nameless were-leopard has been given an incredibly creative name: Spots.

Having fallen into the bad habits of domestication, Spots finds herself summoned to a very big house in the middle of nowhere by her master, Devarian. And upon answering the call, Spots finds out Devarian and his cohorts have much, much more to teach her.

Links coming as soon as the book finishes publishing, available on all standard platforms and wherever fine erotica tales are sold.

Time to go... sleep?

Friday, August 8, 2014

Actually! I'm going to give you guys a couple freebies, too.

For being so very patient and still being wonderful readers, I figure I should give you something nice.

For those who prefer gay erotica:

Once In A Blue Moon Bundle, featuring some steamy gay werewolves.

Enter coupon code LL73Z to get that bundle for free until September 10th 2014.

Or for those of you who prefer straight erotica:

The Making Her Mine Bundle gets pretty dark in places. There's a lot of bloodshed, so keep that in mind. Incubus/vampire erotica, with a splash of werewolves. This bundle is something of a prequel to the above bundle and deals within the same world of events, if not with the same characters.

Enter coupon code UN94Q to get this bundle for free until September 10th 2014.

I regret to say that I can only give these out via those smashwords links. However, they do have most formats available for your e-readers. 

Enjoy yourselves

Oh! While I'm still here!

I wanted to mention that those of you who prefer to get your erotica through  Scribd and Page Foundry can now find me there as well.


The Silly Little Truth

Dear readers, Alvery has been quite sick lately and has a move coming up to (hopefully) cure all that.

I am so, so very sorry for such a long period of silence on my part. I have several ideas sitting around and absolutely nothing being written due to moving and being sick.

Don't lose hope. I'll be back as soon as I can be with plenty of naughty, naughty words.

All the love in the world,

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I'm alive! No, really!

Well, maybe not really.

Out today is the first book of the Spots series, featuring the title character. A were-leopardess who has so very much to learn about the world, Spots is proving to be a fun series to write even if she is a little on the dim side.

A nameless were-leopard living alone in a quiet part of the jungle stumbles upon humans who decide she'll bring a nice price at auction. But when a male of her own species purchases her, she finds out that mating can be so much more than a quick tryst to produce cubs.

But beyond writing this, what have I been up to? Dear readers, the answer is everything and nothing. For most of 2013 I was fairly sick. I'm hoping 2014 proves to show up with better health and far more time to give all of you want you want: more books!

I have ideas all over the place. I simply need enough hours of the day to sit down and get them on a a .doc file. Sometimes those hours seem to zoom by faster than I can manage! For instance, I've been writing all day and I just realized I haven't had breakfast at all yet. 

I should probably do that!

Time to go get breakfast at 4:00pm