Sunday, March 17, 2013

City of Sin

City of Sin is the second book in Alexander Pierce's tale. Gay billionaire werewolf erotica abounds, readers. It should be available this afternoon on all the normal outlets, except for iTunes which will have a bit of a delay.

More soon!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Spring is springing and... so am I? I don't think that works.

I sat here in the cool darkness, listening to the creak of the ceiling fan overhead. Frou Frou's remake of Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out For A Hero" playing on my laptop's speakers a stark contrast to the roaring wind outside. I stared at the blinking cursor on this blog post, considering what to write.

It occurred to me then that this song actually fits what I'm currently writing very well. What am I currently writing? Well, you'll see soon but no spoilers yet.

The other thing I'm currently writing is a sequel for Home, with Alex, Michael and more of the Pierce family werewolf pack. If you haven't read Home, well, let's fix that shall we?

Alexander Pierce is the son his father always wanted, except for one tiny detail. His interest in women is non-existant. Lazy businessman by day, horndog werewolf by moonlit night, this first person erotica short is told by Alexander himself while he rails his secret boyfriend after a long day.

This is a coupon, good through March 8th 2013. I encourage you to pass it around too! It will only work on Home, so keep that in mind. Time to go write.
